Flipkart Book Haul

Eidi money plus parents going on a short trip to India equals a BOOK HAUL and that too from Flipkart! Flipkart is a book lover’s heaven. I could get lost in its virtual bookshelves. Plus they offer free delivery and a very efficient one at that. I have never experienced a delay from them, on the contrary they mostly deliver before time. So I knew that if I ordered a bunch of books to be delivered in a week’s time, they would do it in less than a week, which turned out to be true. Continue reading

THE BLOOD GOSPEL, Tasting More Than a Bite of Success

What qualifies a book as a good book? When you stay up the whole night to finish it, despite knowing you have to get up early morning for work. And then when you get up in the morning with a book hangover you admonish yourself “Why did I have to stay up the whole night? I could have finished it tomorrow.” But when a good story has ensnared you, it’s hard to escape its clutches. When you come across such a book, treasure it, enjoy it to the fullest. That’s what I did with my last book. I can’t remember the last time a book that entertained me so well. It left me thrilled and wanting for more.

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My Thoughts on Steve Berry’s latest The King’s Deception

Why, hello there Mr. Blog. It seems that you have been on the neglected end of my schedule. I do apologise. Sooo very much.

But, hey, to be fair to me, I did mention in my last post that I would be irregular because of Ramadan. And fasting for 15 hours is no easy feat. Also, my grandmother and aunt are visiting from abroad and I have been completely busy catching up with them.
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